
Mobile Ads Promote Mobile Sites

To boost visits to their sites, some mobile providers are advertising on other mobile webpages, reports AdAge.

According to Third Screen Media CMO Jeff Janer, mobile site publishers see mobile users as their natural audience. Third Screen increased its reported number of monthly impressions from 50 million at the end of 2006 to 225 million at present. The number of mobile campaigns the company manages has tripled from a year ago.

While numbers speak volumes, an Ogilvy & Mather partner calls targeting the deal-breaker for mobile, which is seen as a high-engagement medium.

Cost-per-thousand rates hovering in the $28-$30 range, with premium sites commanding up to $50. Better targeting could raise the overall all deal rate to $1 million or more.

Venture capital interest in the mobile sector is still growing, but not at the same clip as in the recent past. Only five new deals were signed in 2007, a significant decline from the 21 deals signed in 2006.

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